Editor’s Choice

Fahredin Shehu



One day


One day when we will wake up
And draw years with only one line
We shall write round letters
For the twisted world


The paths less trodden


Remnants of hatred spread all over
I see Men tormented by greed in awe
a wild patience is covering the dome
of endurance with the moss and mold
they made goodness ashamed and pity
a weakness they made storm out of
dried tears confetti a colorless and
odorless nacre attached to her sole
bare-naked feet she walked the paths
less trodden and I saw the another
Meaning of Time


Crimson forest


…where the nameless paths lead
I found myself utterly speechless
went to Valley of sacrifice
all ears I turned the phony self
into prey for the gods in the crimson
meadow and the field and the forest
turned blood. Alas ignoramus
unaware of the burden of
Loveless life, my life
the fractal from the primordial
The wave and the particle
pulsating from one end of the visible
Universe to another semi-visible one
and the dark matter and dark energy
I painted crimson as if
I recall how I washed the emerald
horizon that rained blood


We knew not the separation


Statured amidst dews of petty things,
I returned refreshed with
Lungs full of Myrtle and Pine fragrance,
Seeking serenity in a grotesques trammeling
Of worn–out Spirits I roam,
Jostling fears and hopes and forgetting brand

new linen I ought to wear–the only thing to be buried with,

…and the linen written all over
With Saffron and Rosewater
All of my poems I was unable
To write on Friendship,
For the poet’s sensitive Soul
Who once lived in the Constellation of Peace-

the same I want to rebuild here,
And the bright stars felt upon the wombs
Of our mother’s shall bear witness.

One day when from the bleach-white
Or rather Neon–light skeleton of mine,
The shine shall emit the rays
From the sky– wide dome.

Again I returned from the mossy ruins
I was seeking the Beauteousness of your being
and you remember the wine we drunk
Even before we knew not the separation.
And there was none!
As the souls of ours merged a long time ago
and for eternity and a day more.


Verdant woods


For all those green bushes and briars
And mossy walls covered antique walls
On the way to the verdant woods
I saw…
I saw too a slogan with a blue blood written
On the human skin:” The world shall not
Collapse until the stupid slogs breathe
I became serene as in that tranquility
My soul departed the 10th and the last
The greenery evaporated Vetyver, Cilantro
And Oak moss just as they’ve descripted
The Paradise in my 9th incarnation when
I blindly believed what has been told to Sages


On the shore of Adriatic


From grape’s spiky pollen fragrant mist
attached to her eyelashes
To the grape’s heavy dark as the darkest
Bull’s eyes
Till the vine leaking in her neck all rainbow
Color foam back home in the winyard
My father planted for those who shall pass
wars and battles we fought and survived
Our own Shoah
I dwell in a Quantum Ocean unified with all

what was and all what is and all what is
About to become
I feel light Zephyr with the palm leaves talc
Blowing my chest hair
Between my toes pearls mingling their shine
Iodine evaporating from the waves of my

old despair thus healing wounds and bruises
They turn yellow, I turn intoxicated on

the Shore of Adriatic sea with the settled Cornucopia

and I dream not to become what I am not.
I am thus hissing fearing Blister Beetle
I am thus singing yet my Blues turns Jazz
And I never improvise Life. This is extraordinary
Theophany- you may call it Theurgy, others calls it

Hologram but I live solely to leave mark of Goodness

I hide in the Cave of Benevolence
Where the river gurgling beneath the stalactites
And the Life has another meaning.


Fahredin Shehu

He is a poet, writer, translator and essayist from Rahovec, Kosovo. For the last thirty years he has been an independent scientific researcher of Oriental Studies, Spiritual Heritage and Sacred Aesthetics. He is passionate about calligraphy and painting. He participated in several festivals and conferences, among others, ( International Poetry Festival Voix de la Mediterran ée , Lodeve France, 2011; Struga Poetry Events – 50th anniversary, Struga, Macedonia, 2011; Nisan Poetry Festival in Maghar, Galileo, Nazareth, Israel, 2012; PEN Macedonia 50 th anniversary and Regional Cooperation , Skopje, Macedonia 2013; Malta Literary Festival and Workshop , Valletta, Malta 2013; Maelstrom Poetry Festival , Brussels, Belgium 2016; Sapanca Literary Festival , Turkey 2016; 10 th Anniversary- Ottobre in Poesia , Sardegna, Italy 2016; 10th Anniversary- Sandzaki Knjizevni Susreti – Serbia 2016; Vilenica – Slovenia 2017). His poetry has been translated into more than 30 languages (English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Greek, Polish, Serbian, Croatian, Bosnian, Macedonian, Swedish, Turkish, Persian, Arabic, Hebrew, Romanian, Chinese/Mandarin, Bahasa , Bengali, Maltese, Frisian, Sicilian, etc.), and included in various anthologies and international literary magazines, (e.g. The World Poets Yearbook 2009, Beijing, China; Poetas del Mundo , Santiago de Chile; Blue Max Magazine , Dublin , Ireland; Tribune de Gen eve , Geneva, Switzerland; CHECK POINT POETRY; Le Reti di Dedalus , Italy; Anthology Alchemy of the Terra, Alchemy ”f Salt , Ann Arbor Review, Michigan, USA; Coldnoon Literary Magazine; Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, India; World Healing World Peace Anthology , New York, USA; Poetry in Anthology for the Rights of Hazara People , Oslo, Norway). He has published 20 books, of poetry, novels, essays and also anthologies, (e.g. Ormus for the Soul (USA, 2021), When The Night Arrives (Serbia, 2020), Prayer’s Rug: Selected Poems (Kosovo, 2019), Palankin : Selected Poems (Macedonia, 2019), Elixir: Selected Poems (Italy, 2017), Balkans and Islam (United Kingdom, 2012), Mulberries – novel (Macedonia, 2012), Nektarina – novel (Kosovo, 2004), to name a few . He has been honored as Poet Laureate of Gold Medal for Poetry as Bridge to Nations , Philippines, 2014. He is also the winner of the Naji Naaman Literary Prize for Poetry , Lebanon, 2016; the Veilero Prize for Poetry , Italy, 2017; the IMZA Turkish Literary Magazine Award , from the Yunus Emre Institute , Kosovo; the Agim Ramadani Prize , Stubëll, 2014. He was nominated for the Pulitzer Prize, USA, 2017 and was recently awarded the United Nations Asian Federation of Arts and Literary Circles Prize, The Six , Asian International Chamber of Commerce, China, 2020. He is director and organizer of the International Poetry Festival “ Poetry and Wine ”, in Kosovo and founder of the Fund for Education and Cultural Heritage www.fekt.org . He is director of the Balkan Literature sector, Kosovo PEN Center and founder and member of the Southern European Literature Association in Sofia, Bulgaria. He served as an active member of the Editorial and Publications Committee of the Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports of Kosovo (2012-2015). He is a member of the World Writers Association and the World Poetry Movement . He received the Presidential and Academic Medal and the honorary title Doctor Honoris Causa from Universum Academy Lugano, Switzerland.

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