* All the legal application should be filed in Kerala, India, where the Kritya Trust is registered.
Love poems of RUMI
Love poems of RUMI
“You try to be faithful
And sometimes you’re cruel.
You are mine. Then, you leave.
Without you, I can’t cope.
And when you take the lead,
I become your footstep.
Your absence leaves a void.
Without you, I can’t cope.
You have disturbed my sleep,
You have wrecked my image.
You have set me apart.
Without you, I can’t cope.”
“For without you, I swear, the town
Has become like a prison to me.
Distraction and the mountain
And the desert, all I desire.”
“Oh sky, without me, do not change,
Oh moon, without me, do not shine;
Oh earth, without me, do not grow,
Oh time, without me, do not go.
…Oh, you cannot go, without me.”
“And patience flees my heart,
And reason flees my mind.
Oh, how drunk can I get to be,
Without your love’s security?”
“You are the Essence of the Essence,
The intoxication of Love.
I long to sing Your Praises
but stand mute
with the agony of wishing in my heart !”
“Love asks us to enjoy our life
For nothing good can come of death.
Who is alive? I ask.
Those who are born of love.
Seek us in love itself,
Seek love in us ourselves.
Sometimes I venerate love,
Sometimes it venerates me.”
“Oh you, unceasing sun, to me
Your particles communicate
The luminous essence of God,
Are you our God? I do not know.
Intoxicated, I say nought,
Bewitched by the magic potion.
I cannot differentiate
Between my drunk and sober state.”
“Oh you, straying heart, just come!
Oh you, aching liver, just come!
If the path to the gate is closed,
Take the way by the wall, but come!”
( Unknown source )e!
If the path to the gate is closed,
Take the way by the wall, but come!”