Our Masters

Sixth Dalai Lama

More from Ocean of Melody



Hiding behind white clouds,
Cold frost and dark hailstorm;
Hiding behind monk’s robes,
Dark foes of the Dharma.



Ride not your steed across,
Frozen, slippery ground;
Trust not all your secrets,
To a new-found lover.



Full moon of the fifteenth*,
It surely seems to be;
But the ‘Man-in-the-moon’
Is dead as dead can be.

According to the lunar Calendar.
Tibetans refer to it as the ‘Hare-in-the-Moon’.




When this moon has faded,
Another moon will rise;
My fortune and good luck,
Will rise with the new moon.



If the Central Mountain*,
Remains ever constant;
Then the Sun and the Moon,
Will not err from their path.

Tibetans believe that the planets, the sun and the moon all revolve ound a central mountain-Rii–gyalpo–rirab or Mt. Sumeru. Here the reference is to the Central Tibetan Government and, therefore, the ‘Sun 1 the Moon’ refer to the Dalai Lama and the Panchen Lama.



Brightness of the new moon,
You’ve dressed from home to match;
Match the brighter full moon,
With a true vow of love.



0 immortal guardian,
Dwelling in high heaven;
If thou hast real powers,
Destroy the Dharma’s foes.

Cuckoos return from Mon*,
Bringing rain and relief;
Meeting with my sweetheart,
I’ve found peace and quiet.

*Mon, birthplace of the Sixth Dalai Lama, is in Arunachal Prade north east India.



If one bears not in mind,
‘This life’s impermanence;
‘Though smart and quick-witted,
One is a fool indeed.

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