* All the legal application should be filed in Kerala, India, where the Kritya Trust is registered.
Sixth Dalai Lama
More from Ocean of Melody
Hiding behind white clouds,
Cold frost and dark hailstorm;
Hiding behind monk’s robes,
Dark foes of the Dharma.
Ride not your steed across,
Frozen, slippery ground;
Trust not all your secrets,
To a new-found lover.
Full moon of the fifteenth*,
It surely seems to be;
But the ‘Man-in-the-moon’
Is dead as dead can be.
According to the lunar Calendar.
Tibetans refer to it as the ‘Hare-in-the-Moon’.
When this moon has faded,
Another moon will rise;
My fortune and good luck,
Will rise with the new moon.
If the Central Mountain*,
Remains ever constant;
Then the Sun and the Moon,
Will not err from their path.
Tibetans believe that the planets, the sun and the moon all revolve ound a central mountain-Rii–gyalpo–rirab or Mt. Sumeru. Here the reference is to the Central Tibetan Government and, therefore, the ‘Sun 1 the Moon’ refer to the Dalai Lama and the Panchen Lama.
Brightness of the new moon,
You’ve dressed from home to match;
Match the brighter full moon,
With a true vow of love.
0 immortal guardian,
Dwelling in high heaven;
If thou hast real powers,
Destroy the Dharma’s foes.
Cuckoos return from Mon*,
Bringing rain and relief;
Meeting with my sweetheart,
I’ve found peace and quiet.
*Mon, birthplace of the Sixth Dalai Lama, is in Arunachal Prade north east India.
If one bears not in mind,
‘This life’s impermanence;
‘Though smart and quick-witted,
One is a fool indeed.