In The Name Of Poetry
Translated Mr: Yusuf Kenan ÜÇER…
They’re killing people slowly
They kill humanity with dog bite
No pain was this hidden
No death so slowly
They hide the exploitation of labor
Sometimes your lies
to the abuse of religion
Sometimes their dirty propaganda
They openly occupy some countries
They burn down and kill everything
They make some peoples hurt each other
They bring sedition inside
They invent enemies among themselves
They make some countries hostile to their neighbors
Two three four countries are making war against each other
They vomit death
These dogs are committing genocide
Or they make traitors do it
They crush with capital
They buy lives and enslave people
They are ending their purchasing power with inflation.
They trap people with unemployment
Then they kill slowly with hunger
We are dying my friends
We are dying slowly
They destroy people’s souls, their hopes
They kill those who love to live their lives
First world war
First dog bite
Second big bite
Death of millions of people
New order to the world
How many countries are they killing people in now?
Spartacus, who rebelled against the first slave order
Second, the October 17 Revolution
and many more
They trample weak nations
They are easy to swallow
They establish a colonial system
First they smash empires into nations
Then they swallow the weak nations one by one
Native Americans
Asteks Mayans Mexican Indians
The murderers who destroyed with the Genocide
Those who enslave the rest
African slaves for the new workforce
What is this, you filthy capitalist masters
That we are suffering from?
A news is on the way for a thousand days
I will come to you one day
I will bring a good news
O sleeping peoples
The light of life
Sharpness of consciousness
I’ll bring the most unbending bullet
O sleepers
I brought you the sun
Scarlet fever
I brought you the light
I will come one day my friends
I will give hope to a poor
lost child to mother
Health to the patient
Give the child a toy
I will tell the people who can’t see
good days to come
I will go to the villages where the bird does not fly
I’ll bring candy to the kids
Children will call
The peddler has arrived
as a peddler
I’ll give them light in the dark nights
I will fill their bellies
I will offer them the fire of the universe
I will light a lamp in the heart of the beggar on the bridge
I will pour the stars of the universe on your feet
I will clean up the blasphemy and the rebellion
I’ll expose all the dog bites
And I’ll say to these filthy lords
Your end has come
I will overthrow the reign
I will end the sultan
And I will say to the arrogant ignorant sultan
Your end has came
Now is the time for the bright mind
I will build a new earth
I will find new dreams
I’ll connect the mind to the light
I will fill the hearts with love
I’ll mix fire with water
I’ll blow the ground up
I will hang the spring on the flowers
I’ll find these in children’s dreams
I’ll tie it with the call of cicadas
I will cross the border of time with horses
I will laugh at the earth from the Milky Way
I will sing a song to sleepless countries
I will give solace to thirsty hearts
To the mothers in the field
To the fathers in the factories
I’ll bring hot bread from the oven
I will plant seven red carnations in every house
I’ll draw a child’s smile on every window
I will read a poem every evening
And I’ll make a picture of happiness
End every war
I will give freedom to every people
Light up success together
I will build with the mind
I know the water from its coming
Why do mothers cry silently?
A small town Kirklareli
I am from Inece town
I know the cool sound of the stream
I sense the footsteps of the wind
My state is a bit of a dervish
a heart cardigan
My patchwork pack
If I were philosophy, art, poetry
My wise mother
Merciful father
Clear water heart my friends
And god is far away
I’m in carnations
Poplars in the wind
I am conscious of the universe
Water of soil
The fire of the air
And your life
I travel continents
I will come in the daylight
My job is to make people
Sell poetry
Sometimes I paint a carnation red
I sell to prisoners
I’ll report with the birds
I renew hearts
I plant fresh mint
I water the hope
I dream
I know it’s hard
I seek the impossible
My root is from the ground
My strength is from the wind
My hope is from my soul
My desire is fire
Common sense out of the water
Who knows when fathers die
Sea green
Sky blue
And the eyes of time
Does he see like this?
Who knows when mothers die
How many wake up
Makes the day beautiful
Green grass in the mountains
Spike yellow in the steppe
And who kills this burnt song
Mother painters
Fathers architect
Children are poets
Living was a flock of starlings
It was a holiday cheer
A plane tree that was the sound of sparrow chirping
The days were bright
Lullabies in the cradle
Carnations were the lightness of butterflies
Freedom was a big hug
Life was a song on a dragonfly wing
I flew in the abyss of dreams
The sky was my home
Gurbet was a longing poem
I spent a lifetime longing for dragonflies
I went to humanity as a guest of the world
I’m in the middle of wars
I am in heroic defense of the homeland
I’m in philosophy
I am in the light of science
I passed traditions
I passed religions
I passed chants
I left the gods behind
I go up on the level of doubt
I build philosophy with science
I live the poem
I draw a new destiny for humanity
I give the secret of happiness of life
Insatiable loves in your wet eyes
Irresistible feelings in the labyrinths of love
I go from love to adventure
To the woman’s light
To silent passions
Until the wind of loneliness
To the bottom of the flight
What on earth did i see
What i’ve been through in the sky
A boy was collecting stars
He was planting light instead
I’ve seen endless prisons
He was flapping his wings to a bright poem
I saw a ladder in the sky
Angels were destroying love
I saw a woman
Her love was pouring down her hair
A woman was shining
A sad time was falling on us
The stars were chasing each other
No one could keep the time
People were missing life
I wrote Doludizgin
I’m not a prisoner of time
I destroyed worlds
I built worlds
Wheat was the mist of summer months
Flour and sweat kneading
Bread became the table of time.
I filled the bowl with love
We drank love, glass of glass
Only peace table table
Hunger was a meadowlark song
The beggar begging door to door was Looking for awe
Don’t beg for advice, o meadow bird
A poet kindly loved a flower
There was a book enchanted
There was a life, the spring was smoking
Art museum visible from afar
Philosophers knew hope
A poet was washing the emotions
I’ve seen a lot of war bitter sadness tears
I saw a bright freedom
A pigeon was flying
A politician was lecturing with lies
A despot was bleeding the world
All the people were applauding
Humanity was dying
I was born in Inece, Kırklareli, the city of happy people.
I graduated from Kırklareli Atatürk High School.
I graduated from Istanbul University, Faculty of Literature, Department of Philosophy.
I worked as a journalist for the newspaper Günaydın for 4 years in Istanbul.
My poetry books:
I wanted to say hello to you, my dear friends.
I work in the fields of philosophy, sociology, psychology, personal development, art and literature.
I write especially poetry, book reviews, literature, poetry articles and aphorisms.
My works have been published and continue to be published in international art, literature and poetry journals.
Spanish in AZAHAR magazine in Spain.
English in Lights For The City magazine in Spain.
La Posta in Italy in OGGI magazine in Italian
English in the magazine ART And POETRY PROJECT in Italy
In Turkish and Balkan languages in TÜRKÇEM magazine in Bulgaria.
My Persian poems were published in the GHOROOB magazine in Iran and continue to be published.
In Turkey:
CAZKEDİSİ – SOUTH – TURKISH LANGUAGE – ZİL – Plum TREE – STRRANCA – KARAKEDİ – CRAZY BOAT – CLAIMING – CITY – USARE – TOLERANCE – BLUE – RAINBOW – BERFIN BAHAR – ESKİŞEHİR ART – ÖZGÜR ART – OZGÜR ART – İZGÜR MİTORO FOOD Current Art – A Pencils – Cumba Fanzin – Totem Write – Delikliçınar – Pity – Eliz Edebiyat – Fancat – Fifth Art – Mersin Literature – Cüneyne – Life Art – Cumhuriyet Book – Tile Book – Başakketi of Literature BLUE – Script – SUJE – VESSELAM – AKAŞA – LEYLIDER – EKIN ART – KEŞMEKEŞ – PAPYRUS – KURGAN – HUMANITY – PENCIL – DIVIT PENS – TEAWAY – Poetry Cistern – YARPUZ – NIF ART – ARTEMIS –
My poems, articles and book reviews have been published and continue to be published in art, literature and poetry journals such as KİRPİ – PUBLIC LITERATURE.
My articles and book reviews have been published in CUMHURİYET KİTAP JOURNAL and many literary journals.