My Voice
Darkness and fear–these two words though different, evoke similar feelings. These feelings force man to move away from these situations. The world’s oldest available book Rig-Veda talks about the creation of the world from darkness. As it says, there was only Darkness that was also covered by Darkness.
“Darkness there was: at first concealed in darkness all was indiscriminate chaos. All that existed then was void and formless: by the great power of warmth was born that Unit.
Thereafter rose desire in the beginning, desire, the primal seed and germ of spirit. Seers who searched their heart for wisdom discovered the kinship between the being and non being”.
(Translated by T H Griffith)
Man’s journey is to get away from the “Darkness”, from the darkness of emotion through creativeness, the darkness of situation through science, and darkness of mind through knowledge. Society, culture, languages, literature, art and sculptures and religions, all were the tools which man utilized to overpower darkness of all types. It is strange that man is running away from darkness, which is the source of the Universe.
When we talk about war, terror, anger, rape or other kind of mental or physical tortures we place them in a cage of darkness and develop a fear for them. That is how we try to keep our journey on. The journey of life, the journey of brotherhood and love!
When we talk about exile, it could be separation from darkness and fear. Logically, we accept exile for survival. In other words, for life. Life is again light.
“Let me go towards light from darkness.” ( asato ma sad gamaya )
In this case this type of exile is positive, and life oriented. This positive exile gives us the light of knowledge, fire of energy and pain of nonbeing. Man was always moving in search of real happiness, and thus moving away is sometimes earning the light of knowledge.
I hope You will like krityas issue , in this darkest time.
Rati Saxena