Poetry in Our Time
Kamalakar Bhat
Stone Art
My daughter searched through the pile of sand,
brought for some repairs,
and picked some pretty pebbles.
Excited, she brought a boxful of them to me.
I, busy in my business,
threw it away bitterly.
The next morning, as if spring had arrived
in the corner of the room:
a pattern of colours.
Her imagination saw a bouquet
(where my brain just saw rubble)
and turned stones into art.
On 25th Wedding Anniversary
You were asleep
when the storm hit,
causing a leak in the roof.
Sorry dear,
I used the blankets
to plug the hole in the roof.
Now, the cold wind
bothers you.
Still, come to me,
and rest on my chest,
within the folds of my caring arms
be warm.
A Conversation with my Wife
We stared into the sun
without batting an eyelid;
and the names of our schools
disappeared, so did the surnames,
family names, village, country, caste, religion,
company names, all,
all disappeared.
All that remained was
an image of you
in my eyes, mine in yours.
Not that images are real.
These images are only for us.
There is no room for anyone else in our reality.
In our moonlit courtyard
no other shadow may fall.
Yes, you are right,
let the door remain open.
Why should there be any restriction on our love?
Let the picture of our oneness,
reflected by the sky,
hearten the timorous.
Every vision we have
is from the same view, you said.
Every minute we want
is for the same desire, I said.
Each step we take
is of the same speed, you said.
Each slice of bread we eat
is from the same grain, I said.
In the openness of the plains
the wind is generous.
Kamalakar Bhat is an award-winning bilingual poet and translator. He has published three collections of poems, two collections of translated verse, and has edited one collection of essays. He writes in both academic and popular media on books, poetry and translations. His poems have appeared in AGNI, Indian Literature, Muse India, Caesura among other magazines.
Hélène Gelèns
Translation: Astrid van Baalen
stammer the name!
breathe slowly in and out, breathe in
and out, think of the name bearer, in and out
in and out, well done, in and say the name out loud
huff for the name, try to huff
for the name as for air, just like this:
huffhuff, huff for the name, huffhuff
no not cough, huffing huffhuff, no not cough
breathe slowly in and out, breathe in
and out, no not cough, breathe in breathe in
gasp for breath as for the bearer of the name
huff for breath, try to huff
for breath, you still have to stammer, huff! huff!
she says: you think me strange you
think me strange you think me strange
what I see has already been depicted
all that I see
(letters furnish the view)
the people I talk to
are smeared with slogans
she says: damn it I believe
you you think me strange you
what I feel performs the true skill
all that I feel
(truth conceived in the heart)
the verdict I leave unspoken
I’ll be happy to forget
she says: don’t take a picture of me
something else
if only I didn’t write my poems this slow
I would tell you how a man says:
there’s a strange lady glued to my side
I’m not mentioning names – I would tell you
how the woman bites the man in the neck
gnaws herself a passage through
how he asks in her company:
looking for a fight? and entices the mouth again
I would be in time to tell you how warm
our eyes attune – how hungry
the neck the mouth
I would be in time to tell how much
love goes into gnawing – how delicately
enticed by you
I would tell you in time
that I am looking for a fight and really mean it
but I write my poems slow
and tell you something else than I would tell you
Hélène Gelèns (1967) is a writer of poetry, essays and short prose. She began performing in literary festivals in the year 2000 and took part in Poetry International in Rotterdam in 2002. Her debut poetry collection niet beginnen bij het hoofd was published by Uitgeverij 521 in 2006 and shortlisted for the C. Buddingh’ Prize in 2007.
Gelèns He writes humorous, graceful poems with serious undertones, with a special emphasis on love, language and the writing of poetry itself. Her style is often characterized by repetition and rhythm. Gelèns studied astronomy, Dutch, history and philosophy at university, eventually leaving the other subjects to focus solely on philosophy. Before the appearance of her first volume of poetry, Gelèns had poems and essays published in literary magazines such as Krakatau and De Tweede Ronde and in anthologies and philosophical publications.
Francesco Favetta
Always sing soul!
And despite everything
life goes on
the world does not stop living
and the answers are close
in the silence of these days
in this song without the voices
in the passages of history
anchors in the wounds of time.
Awake life
enamored creature
fond memory of the poem
and precious dreams
docile majesty in the heart
enchantment in the eyes
you breathe inside the roses in the night
chains broken by courage.
Always sing soul
never stop
give reasons
timeless songs
shout the truths to the world
always be a beacon in the fog
safe harbor and island in the desert
of this heavy sea.
Who we are ?
Who we are
because we don’t see
with the eyes
of the soul
and indifference.
behind the wall
of extinguished reason
we pray
with joined hands
that God who
he has to help
our days.
our love
where free thought
he is exiled
in which cave
the consciences
they were locked up.
Along the coasts
of life
vaguely every man
staggering walks
around a temple
beyond which
the flesh transfigures
in a thousand words
and endless poems.
There will be no one left
Who will stay
after the storm
shipwrecked and missing
in the raging sea
of human complacency
in everyday violence
in the fences of the world.
And then again
the wars
the divisions
invisible borders
and the truths torn apart
Will remain
the blood spilled
from the innocents
and dirty hands
and smelling of death
of criminals
evil humans
sitting in the benches.
strides !
One by one
i will tear up every day
invisible rings
of the chains that oppress
and keep the man in prison
to make a necklace
to wear around the neck.
Long strides
they will blaze solid paths
on safe and unusual paths
where human foot
does not dare to set footsteps
on hard rock
on values and freedoms.
The silences of time
It’s not over yet
beauty is in life
in the silences of time
dressed in Peace and Love
resurrected every hour
from human violence.
We are lives lived
in this crazy time
inside the prisons of the world
chained to fears
dazed with terror
we are destinies without routes.
The truths fly
they look like confetti
carried by the wind
swept away by indifference
and go to die in the desert
where flowers are rare jewels.
Francesco Favetta
was born in Sicily in Sciacca, he has always loved poetry, writing verses, but above all culture, food for the soul: culture is Freedom, it is Free Spirit, it is Soul in Movement, not it should never be harnessed!
In 2018 he was awarded by the Accademia
di Sicilia, Academician of Sicily.
He has been published in various anthologies and in various magazines, among which, we mention a few: He founded a theater company in Sciacca: “Theatrum Socialis Sciacca”, and a Lions Club, the “Sciacca Terme”. Finally, the poet Francesco Favetta is convinced that poetry will be the weapon with which humanity will make their lives free, and furthermore beauty will always be a truth that will never be buried:from the times and events of daily human life! Francesco Favetta Sciacca (Sicily) Italy .