My Voice
Readers July has set in and we hope to welcome it with fresh showers and new poetry. In this issue we bring you an essay on Rilke by Michael Hamburger. An Anatomy of Orpheus is an intricate analysis of the personal and poetic journey of Rilke. Poets Santhan Haridasan, Kamayani Vashisht and Kasturika Mishra observe human relationships and the nitty gritty of everyday life with a sharp eye . Poetry of Kamayani reminds one of Emily Dickinson. In her poem “Decisions” she writes of “muffling a past and a future,/ to let an empty present, sing.” Poems of Kedarnath Agarwal (1911-2000), a prominent Hindi poet have been translated by Shubha Dwivedi. She gives us a glimpse of the poet’s multiple images that are short and pithy, but replete with meaning. We are delighted to bring to you the poetry of Eric Linder from the Netherlands. There is a delicious irony that runs through his verse and he brings alive the ordinary as extraordinary. In the age of social media we have many forums to showcase our talent and creativity. Kritya is relentless in its pursuit for excellence, and is happy to provide a platform to young and emerging writers to spread their ideas. Good poetry serves as a palliative, it brings joy and it infuses our minds with hope. It cuts across barriers and perhaps there is some sense in what Hazlitt said “Poetry is all that is worth remembering in life”.
Dear reader, we hope to hear from you.
Be with us.
Ranu Uniyal
Editor (English)
Dr Ranu Uniyal
Department of English and Modern European Languages
Former Head (2019-2022)
Director, Institute of Women Studies, University of Lucknow (2015-2016)
Commonwealth Scholar, University of Hull, Kingston Upon Hull, UK (1988-1992)
Board Member PYSSUM A centre for people with Special Needs (since 2005). pyssum.org
University of Lucknow
Lucknow, UP, India – 226007